Aspiring Authors: People who desire to write a book.

Published Authors: People who’ve already published a book and want to write another one.

Current Clients: People enrolled in our program(s) who want to write their first book or write an additional book.


Community: A global gathering dedicated to mutually encourage each other on our writing journey.

Accountability: A place to report daily progress and stay accountable.

Clarity: A proven process of real-time clarity modeling how to write, publish, and market your book the right way.

Proximity: A reserved seat on Kary Oberbrunner’s private VIP team for the Unhackable book launch. He’ll teach you cutting-edge marketing tips, tools, and tactics for your own future book launches.


Quarantine Challenge: April 6 – May 29

Unhackable VIP Book Launch Team: Summer 2020


Quarantine: Coronavirus (COVID-19) has spread fear, panic, and doubt across the globe. We’re fighting back by spreading love, hope, and belief in its place. Rather than being critics, cynics, complainers, or consumers we choose to be creators and write the books buried within us.

Quest: 82% of the world has a desire to write a book. 99% of the world never writes it. Now is the time achieve this goal that will impact future generations.

Questions: People need clear answers to questions preventing them from fulfilling this deep desire of writing their book.


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