Author: Brian E. Wagner
Sometimes It DOES Take a Brain Surgeon is based on the experience that the author had in going blind from a genetic disorder and then having brain surgery.
He relates this to walking down the sidewalk as well as how daily life has changed. This is an inspiration story about how one man went blind only to have the best vision that he has ever had.
Identify your Blind spots.
Overcome your Obstacles.
Create a Clear Vision for your Life.
Bleeding is usually an indication of life—unless of course that bleeding occurs in your brainstem. This was Brian’s experience and it caused him to lose his sight. But providentially, it took him going blind to regain a vision for his life.
On March 4, 2011 Brian woke up but his eyes didn’t. Unaware at the time, that morning he also began an internal process that ultimately allowed him to achieve a much greater vision.
In Sometimes It DOES Take a Brain Surgeon, author Brian Wagner shows readers a new way of looking at the world. Discover how to:
- See through your blindspots
- Overcome self-limiting beliefs
- Acquire a new vision for your life
Beginning seeing your life with new eyes today!
Brian Wagner lives out his burning passion of helping people embrace their own personal blindness to achieve a vision. Through his speaking, writing, and coaching, Brian leads others down a clear path where they see their self-limiting beliefs and then create a compelling vision for their future. He and his wife Connie are grateful parents of three amazing children. Connect at
Brian E. Wagner
Brian is an avid father. When he's not busy writing or speaking, you can usually find him with his wife, Connie, spending time with their three kids.
Brian has been greatly influenced by his coach and mentor, Kary Oberbrunner. Kary is an author, speaker and coach that was very influential in Brian starting his own business with such books as the Deeper Path, Your Secret Name and Day Job to Dream Job. Other writers and speakers that Brian enjoys are C.S. Lewis and Jon Gordon.
Growing up on a farm, Brian was interested in anything but farming. He was the youngest of 10 kids, and only the 3rd to go to college. All of his siblings still reside in the same county where he grew up in Northwest Ohio. Two of Brian's brothers were killed in accidents before he was 14 years old.
Brian's parents were married for 66 years before his dad passed away at the age of 89. His father was a huge influence on him, and the way he treats people and conducts his business. All of Brian's siblings have been married to their first spouse longer than Brian has, which at the time of this writing is 27 years.