Author: Delores McKenzie
The Art of Obedience explores 10 biblical financial principles that will help you harness your faith and the power to live a life of optimum financial health.
In my walk, I have seen many families suffer financially from the pangs of debt, lack of savings, and mostly from lack of knowledge in money management. It is my passion to share information that could break the cycle of poverty for generations to come. Live on less than you make, save and invest the difference, and give to enhance the lives of others.
These are the TEN biblical financial principles to live by:
- God is the source
- Keep out of debt
- Live on the margins of life
- Save and invest
- Giving is essential
- Be content with what you have
- Keep records and have a budget
- Don't co-sign
- Work hard and work smart
- Seek godly counsel.
The truth is, we tend to hold on to what we think is more valuable to us. Unfortunately, because money is a tangible resource, we tend to put more value to it than we really should. As you learn to follow these eternal principles in your personal finances and in other areas of your life, you will know the joy that comes from trusting and obeying God in all areas of your life.
We should remember that God wants us to be good stewards of the resources he gives us. He gives us gifts in order to build us up, to strengthen, help, and encourage others. These gifts are to be used to honor and glorify God while we are here on earth. It is in true obedience to Him that we will be lead to eternal prosperity.
Delores McKenzie
Delores Hamilton-McKenzie was born the seventh of eleven children in St. Catherine, Jamaica to Alfred and Dorothy Coombs-Hamilton. She had a wonderful and happy childhood in a family where free expression and creativity was encouraged. Her father was a building contractor and carpenter and her mother was an entrepreneur.
Delores recalls an early childhood filled with a life of abundance and plenty of food. There was always enough for anyone that passed by. My mother, was always helping others to make a better life for themselves. The principles of charity, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, generosity, gentleness, faithfulness, modesty, self-control, contentment and finding value in everything were godly principles and values instilled in us by our parents.
Her experiences have ignited a passion in Delores to help keep her families’ legacy alive to help families become financially independent by applying godly principles.
Delores was educated at St. Mary’s College in Above Rocks, St. Catherine and Duffs Business College in Kingston, Jamaica where she did Business Management and Accounting.
Delores moved to Canada in 1993 to accept a job offer. She maintained that job for three years, she then transitioned into home care and later accepted another job offer with the Alberta Health Services - where she has worked for the past 15 years in an administrative position.
Delores is a Licensed Financial Educator/Financial Planner who is licensed with The Alberta Insurance Council. She is currently building her financial services business in one of the fastest growing companies in financial services, that is revolutionizing the financial industry.
She is the Author of The Heart of Obedience (10 Biblical Financial Principles to Change Your Life!) with many more books to come.
Delores loves traveling the world and meeting new people. Her goal is to inspire you to rise above your circumstances by opening your minds to envision the promises of the creator and become financially independent and live life in abundance!
Her motto: Philippians 4:13 “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."
Delores is married to Liston McKenzie and they have three daughters and three grandchildren.
Thought: 1 Timothy 6-17-19
As for the rich in this present age, charge them not to be haughty, nor to set their hopes on the uncertainty of riches, but on God, who richly provides us with everything to enjoy. They are to do good, to be rich in good works, to be generous and ready to share, thus storing up treasure for themselves as a good foundation for the future, so that they may take hold of that which is truly life.
Delores McKenzie