Author: Joshua D. Sheffer
“The U Solution is a practical guide all young people and parents should read before college; it puts the emphasis on YOU to learn how to take care of yourself and others.”
- Scott Starkey, Co-founder of Aware Awake Alive
U Ready?
Going away to college is a huge step; one even successful high school students are never completely prepared for. Author, attorney, and professor Joshua D. Sheffer highlights many areas where most students are not ready—including some they don’t even know they need to be ready for.
Discover tools, insights, and strategies to help you do more than just get through college. Level up and define what college success means to you, and then achieve it.
If you’re heading off to college and you want to make sure you’re prepared to succeed, then you’ve come to the right place.
In The U Solution you’ll experience:
• A candid view of what students face when they go away to college
• Practical, accessible tools to overcome obstacles in all areas of college life
• What every student needs to know about common college dangers, how to avoid them, and how to make college a safer place for everyone
• The foundation of awareness, knowledge, and preparation that leads to confidence and success.
When you prepare for the moment, the moment is prepared for you.
And with U Ready and The U Solution, you’ll be ready for anything.
You got this.
Joshua D. Sheffer
Joshua D. Sheffer is a professor at Grand Valley State University in Michigan and attorney with extensive experience in cases involving school violence and college dangers.
Joshua graduated cum laude from Notre Dame Law School and practiced civil litigation for almost 15 years before accepting his first appointment in full-time academia.
He lives in northwest Michigan with his wife Tara and their five children.
Get in touch with Joshua at