Author: Renee Vidor
Is Comparison sabotaging your soul?
Social media may not be the enemy when it comes to comparison, but it’s certainly not your friend. Like it or not, other people’s lives are thrust into our faces every day thanks to mainstream marketing and smartphones. While you didn’t choose to be born into this world of comparison, you can choose to implement a strategy that will help you measure up and win the comparison struggle.
Author Renee Vidor is a recovering 'comparaholic' who understands the many costs associated with living in this world of Comparison. Whether you occasionally feel like you don't measure up or feelings of inadequacy lurk around every corner, you owe it to yourself to learn how to claim control over the comparison conundrum.
In Measuring Up you will discover how to:
- Reduce the expense Comparison is costing you so you can live in freedom.
- Recognize when Comparison is hijacking your mind and learn practical strategies for maintaining control.
- Realize who you were created to be so you can confidently do what you were designed to do.
Renee Vidor
As authentic as they come, Renee Vidor is an author, speaker, and community creator who helps individuals and organizations discover how to be who they’re created to be so that they can do what they’re designed to do.
She's been married to her husband Josh for 15 years and they live in Ohio with their two children. Connect with her at ReneeVidor.com