Author: Sohma Rae Hathaway
This epic memoir is a perfect illustration of how strong the human spirit can be, telling the story of a self-taught artist who overcame tremendous odds. Raised in a home fraught with drugs, alcohol and abuse, Hathaway was led to further tragedies as an adult. She struggled with codependency, betrayal and divorce. Then cancer, crippling physical pain and more. Hathaway reveals her imperfect path of human frailties, showing that our trials and mistakes need not define us, and the wounds of others need not destroy us. You will find God in the details of her life, even when she rejected Him. This inspiring story of resilience, forgiveness, and God’s miraculous love will tug at your heartstrings, uplift the soul and strengthen your resolve to overcome even the darkest of trials.
Sohma Rae Hathaway
Sohma Rae Hathaway is an artist of pen and pallet who's gift of expression was seen early in her childhood. She became Sterling Scholar in Art amidst challenging odds which continued throughout her adult life. Feeling compelled by God to tell her life story, she has devoted many years to writing and sharing it. Whether her artistic skills helped her cope or the trials helped her dig deeper into her creativity, she doesn’t know but these painful experiences gave her unique insights and helped produce incredible works of art as well as some very heartfelt writing. She is the proud mother of 4 adult children and helped raise 7 other step-children as well.
Sohma’s writing is authentic and transparent. She is no stranger to the emotions we face in hardship. Her varied trials help relate to people on a deeper level. She weaves humor into otherwise heavy topics and reminds us that we needn't be victims. She redefines failure and helps remove the self-destructive patterns we often cling to. Her story shows that there’s no place low enough God’s hand can’t reach us, and that pain can have a profound and even positive purpose in our lives.