
The 4 Benefits I Gained as an Unhackable Writer

If 2020 taught us anything about our lives, it would be this: we need to prepare ourselves to overcome any obstacles that stand in our way. Right when the news of the pandemic hit, I knew I had been called to do something to help all the writers out there who struggled to work through the added stress and anxiety it caused. That’s when I created my Quarantine Writing Challenge, and it was a huge hit! Many writers all around the world came together and did what we do best: write, write, and write some more.
Dispel This Myth to Make More Money Writing Children's Books

Dispel This Myth to Make More Money Writing Children’s Books

For many children’s book authors, after the thrill of the initial book launch, signings at brick-and-mortar stores, and the first few book readings at local public schools, typically the thrill is gone, and they’re left wondering what else they can do. Many lament that they don’t have the same opportunities to create various streams of income as other types of authors. This is the myth.

Six Steps to a Better Webinar Launch for Writers

In the most recent post in this series, Can an Author Increase Their Impact with a Certification Program? I Did!, I talked about some of the reasons a certification program can help writers increase their impact, influence, and income. This week, I’d love to show you some steps that can help you figure out how to create a paid webinar you can earn more income from as an author. 
A Writer’s Guide to Launching a Successful Coaching Program

A Writer’s Guide to Launching a Successful Coaching Program

In the most recent post in this series, Can You Make More Income with an Online Course? The Truth Every Writer Needs to Know!, we talked about how to turn your book into an online course. This week, we’d love to show you how a live coaching business can help you increase your impact, influence, and income. I’ve done this with my books, and you can do it too!

10 Tips to Succeed as a Book Launch Team Member

Whether online or in-person, a book launch can have far-reaching benefits—not only for the launching author but also for the members of his or her launch team. If you participate in a successful book launch, you’ll have fun, meet people with similar interests, and receive valuable insider tips for hosting your future book launches.

How to Turn Your Story of Trauma into a Novel

Do you have a burning desire to share your story? After surviving a terrible trauma and learning to thrive, you believe you can help others do the same. However, you are gripped with fear because putting your story out there for the world to see is fraught with peril, and you worry: What will others think of me? What if it embarrasses my family? What if someone tries to sue me? How can I protect my loved ones and myself? There is a solution: write it as a novel, like I did. In fact, countless novels contain some autobiographical components.

How to Crush Your Word Count

Are you struggling to complete your current writing project?  Every writer knows what it’s like to be on fire, crank out hundreds or even thousands of words—and then hit a wall.