A Writer’s Guide to Launching a Successful Coaching Program

A Writer’s Guide to Launching a Successful Coaching Program

In the most recent post in this series, Can You Make More Income with an Online Course? The Truth Every Writer Needs to Know!, we talked about how to turn your book into an online course. This week, we’d love to show you how a live coaching business can help you increase your impact, influence, and income. I’ve done this with my books, and you can do it too!

How to Start a Blog to Promote Your Book — Part 2

In part one,I talked about all the work you’ll need to do to start your blog. Now that we have all that planning out of the way, it’s time to execute! Step 6: Decide what your first blog post will be about. Now that you know what you’re writing about and how often you’re going to post, it’s time to get started with actually writing your first blog post. It’s a good idea for this to be an introduction to you and your new blog. You can talk about several things to encourage your readers to get to know you.

How to Start a Blog to Promote Your Book — Part 1

If you’ve already published your book, you probably know that it takes more than simply hitting that publish button to reach your readers. To understand the challenges that lie ahead of you, consider how many books are published on Amazon every day. According to an article published by TechCrunch in 2014, there was one new book published on Amazon’s website every five minutes. Two things are important to note about this statistic: