How to Turn Your Book Into Multiple Streams of Income

In this series of blog posts, I’ll teach you my own techniques for earning 18 streams of income from publishing your book. I’ll also give you an opportunity to participate in a free training that talks about each of these 18 ways to make money from publishing your book.

Ten Tips for Successful Audiobook Recording

You wrote your book and had a successful book launch. You breathe a sigh of relief and wonder what’s next. You have all the right marketing strategies, and you implement them effectively until you start receiving the question, “Do you have an audiobook?”

Beginner’s Guide to Surviving Your First Book Signing

After you’ve written and published your first book, the work doesn’t stop there. Especially if you are a first-time author, you need to have a strategic marketing plan in place to start growing your reading audience. One of the ways many of our authors do that is through hosting and attending regular book-signing events. But if you’ve never attended a book signing, you might be wondering how to prepare yourself for your first event.

Ghostwriters in 2020: The Current Trends and Beyond

Many traditional publishing houses have admitted that 70% of the books they publish were written by a ghostwriter. Even crazier—99% of books published by artists, celebrities, and politicians were done with the help of a talented ghostwriter. Would you like to be one of those high-paid ghostwriters? Every year, the publishing industry makes more and more room for new ghostwriters to throw their hat in the ring. Some modern ghostwriters even receive a credit—or an acknowledgment—from the publishing author to show their gratitude for the hard work they’ve put into the project.

Copyrights, Endnotes, and Epigraphs … What Does It All Mean?

As an author, you have a creative responsibility to finish writing your book and find a way to publish. After you’ve written your book, there are many more responsibilities you’ll need to take on to publish your book the right way. And part of that is understanding the legal challenges that can surface when you’re getting ready to publish. Without having a law degree, how do you know where to begin?