How to Turn Your Book Into Multiple Streams of Income

In this series of blog posts, I’ll teach you my own techniques for earning 18 streams of income from publishing your book. I’ll also give you an opportunity to participate in a free training that talks about each of these 18 ways to make money from publishing your book.

Ten Tips for Successful Audiobook Recording

You wrote your book and had a successful book launch. You breathe a sigh of relief and wonder what’s next. You have all the right marketing strategies, and you implement them effectively until you start receiving the question, “Do you have an audiobook?”

How to Turn Your Story of Trauma into a Novel

Do you have a burning desire to share your story? After surviving a terrible trauma and learning to thrive, you believe you can help others do the same. However, you are gripped with fear because putting your story out there for the world to see is fraught with peril, and you worry: What will others think of me? What if it embarrasses my family? What if someone tries to sue me? How can I protect my loved ones and myself? There is a solution: write it as a novel, like I did. In fact, countless novels contain some autobiographical components.

How to Get the Most Out of an Experiential Conference

One of the rites of passage for any author, speaker, coach, or entrepreneur taking their goals seriously is attending a live conference. Notable experts take the stage to deliver powerful presentations meant to motivate you, inspire you, and light your soul on fire. But in a changing world—especially with the changes caused by COVID-19 in 2020—many conferences have shifted to an online platform. An entirely online conference has many benefits, but what’s even better is an experiential conference like the Igniting Souls Conference. This option not only delivers impactful messages online but it also engages attendees by delivering an interactive once-in-a-lifetime experience for everyone involved.

How to Crush Your Word Count

Are you struggling to complete your current writing project?  Every writer knows what it’s like to be on fire, crank out hundreds or even thousands of words—and then hit a wall.