
The 4 Benefits I Gained as an Unhackable Writer

If 2020 taught us anything about our lives, it would be this: we need to prepare ourselves to overcome any obstacles that stand in our way. Right when the news of the pandemic hit, I knew I had been called to do something to help all the writers out there who struggled to work through the added stress and anxiety it caused. That’s when I created my Quarantine Writing Challenge, and it was a huge hit! Many writers all around the world came together and did what we do best: write, write, and write some more.
Dispel This Myth to Make More Money Writing Children's Books

Dispel This Myth to Make More Money Writing Children’s Books

For many children’s book authors, after the thrill of the initial book launch, signings at brick-and-mortar stores, and the first few book readings at local public schools, typically the thrill is gone, and they’re left wondering what else they can do. Many lament that they don’t have the same opportunities to create various streams of income as other types of authors. This is the myth.
6 Tricks to Increase Your Influence with Facebook Groups

6 Tricks to Increase Your Influence with Facebook Groups (What Other Authors WON’T Tell You)

In 2020, lives around the world changed as we felt the far-reaching effects of the pandemic. These potentially detrimental effects were no different for authors. Live events got canceled. Conferences were rescheduled or postponed. Book signings became impossible with the new social distancing rules. From essential industries all the way down to the publishing industry, things changed drastically.

10 Tips to Succeed as a Book Launch Team Member

Whether online or in-person, a book launch can have far-reaching benefits—not only for the launching author but also for the members of his or her launch team. If you participate in a successful book launch, you’ll have fun, meet people with similar interests, and receive valuable insider tips for hosting your future book launches.

How to Turn Your Book Into Multiple Streams of Income

In this series of blog posts, I’ll teach you my own techniques for earning 18 streams of income from publishing your book. I’ll also give you an opportunity to participate in a free training that talks about each of these 18 ways to make money from publishing your book.